If you wish to improve your smile through the use of corrective orthodontics, consider which form of aligners you desire. One of the most popular and effective forms of orthodontics aligner systems is Invisalign®.
Enhance your smile with Invisalign. To learn more about Invisalign, please read the following:
– Invisalign aligners can be taken out for meals quickly and easily by snapping them in and out of place.
– With clear Invisalign aligners, you can often have your orthodontic treatments done without anyone even noticing you are having the treatments done at all.
– If you would like your smile to continue to improve, Invisalign aligners can be used to upgrade and enhance your teeth, and are easily replaced as needed.
– Invisalign does not contain any metals and wires, but instead, uses a patented thermoplastic material to create aligners crafted to custom fit your smile.
– Invisalign can help straighten smiles and lower your chances of dental damage.
No matter which aligner service you choose, the real importance is the oral health benefits it can provide. If you would like Dr. Traci Saito and our team to bring you in for an oral exam to determine if Invisalign is right for you, please contact our orthodontics office in Vancouver, Washington, by calling us at 360-256-7220. Come in soon to experience all about the joys of a better smile.